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Audio and Video Recordings of David Bohm

On some recordings held at the Krishnamurti Archive Bohm is present silently or offers only an occasional remark; we omit those. Phone call recordings are also not listed.

Audio Recordings

  1. On Intelligence (1972) [Free]

    J. Krishnamurti
    Produced by
    Krishnamurti Foundation Trust
    Held at
    Krishnamurti Archive

    Note: An edited version of this dialogue was published in The Awakening of Intelligence (1973). A transcript is available.

  2. What Is Preventing Change? (1977) [Free]

    J. Krishnamurti, Asit Chandmal, and P. Krishna
    Produced by
    Krishnamurti Foundation Trust
    Held at
    Krishnamurti Archive

    Note: An excerpt from this discussion was published in the June 1991 issue of The Mountain Path.

  3. Can Humanity Change? (1978) [Free]

    J. Krishnamurti, Walpola Rahula, Irmgard Schlögl, and G. Narayan
    Produced by
    Krishnamurti Foundation Trust
    Held at
    Krishnamurti Archive

    Note: Bohm takes part in the first three discussions of the series. Transcripts are available: 1, 2, 3. The whole series was published in Can Humanity Change? (2003). See also the video version.

  4. Computers, Thought and Insight (1981) [Free]

    J. Krishnamurti and Asit Chandmal
    Produced by
    Krishnamurti Foundation Trust
    Held at
    Krishnamurti Archive

    Note: An edited transcript was published in Questioning Krishnamurti (1996) under the title “Is the Brain Different from a Computer?”

Video Recordings

  1. The Difficulty of Thinking Together (1982)

    J. Krishnamurti and Maurice Wilkins
    Produced by
    Krishnamurti Foundation Trust
    Held at
    Krishnamurti Archive

    Note: This is one of the conversations recorded for France Culture and broadcast in January 1984. A transcript is available.

  2. About Time (1985)

    Produced by
    Third Eye Productions

    Note: Bohm is featured in the episode “Uncertain Times.” The interview later appeared in print.

  3. Bohm Norway Videos (1990) [Free]

    Astrid Brekken, Peter Garrett, and others

    Note: These are private recordings made in Oslo on June 13, 1990. Only short clips are available. See the link for transcripts.

  4. On Dialogue Consideration (1990) [Free]

    Peter Garrett
    Held at
    Birkbeck Library

    Note: These are private recordings made in Mickleton, Gloucestershire on June 30 and July 1, 1990 for the launch of Peter Senge’s book The Fifth Discipline. Previously sold by the Krishnamurti Foundation of America. See the link for transcripts. Transcripts are also available on the Pari Center website.

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